Testicular Pain
Testicular pain can be caused by sudden injury, inflammation, sexually transmitted infections or an emergency condition called testicular torsion. This condition can cause a dull ache in the scrotum, sometimes along with swelling.
Testicular pain
A common problem for men that requires a complete assessment. London Men's Clinic provides an expert diagnostic and team approach to this condition.
How common is testicular pain?
It is very common for men to have testicular pain at some point during their lifetime. In the majority of cases the pain will be due to a benign cause. The assessment of testicular pain involves taking a complete clinical history and performing a physical examination to assess the pattern and site of the pain. London Men's Clinic will also arrange for an ultrasound scan of the scrotum, as well as performing tests on a urine sample in order to try and identify the underlying cause. Treatment is then based on the underlying cause.
What causes testicular pain?
Any inflammation in the structures related to the testicle may cause testicular pain. This includes the epididymis and prostate. Some individuals develop pain following surgery to the testicles or following a vasectomy. Pain can also result due to a problem from another structure such as a stone in the ureter (tube linking the kidney to the bladder).
What are the treatment options?
In some instances men with testicular pain do not have any identifiable underlying physiological cause. In these cases the management will require alternative medication to help with symptomatic relief. For persistent pain with no obvious physical cause, our clinic will liaise with pain specialists who can attempt local anaesthetic nerve blockades combined with oral medication.
For persistent pain which has failed all treatment measures, London Men's Clinic does offer an operation called micro-surgical cord denervation to selected patients. This is a surgical procedure which divides the nerves in the spermatic cord and in carefully selected cases has a good response rate with either a significant reduction in pain or complete relief of pain.
How do we manage complex cases?
By offering a multidisciplinary team approach and engaging experts in pain management, London Men's Clinic offers a thorough assessment and holistic approach to testicular pain so that patients are assured that their individual cases have been discussed and assessed appropriately.
The team at London Men’s Clinic offer a multidisciplinary approach in the management of men presenting with testicular pain with close collaboration with dermatologists, pathologists and sexual health physicians. Complex cases are discussed jointly with experts in each field to ensure patients are provided with the highest standard of care.

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Epididymal Cyst
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London Men's Clinic, 16 Devonshire Street, London W1G 7AF
E: info@london-mens-clinic.com
P: 0207 1013 456
Give us a call, send us an enquiry or drop us an email, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
Clinic days - Monday to Saturday.
Clinic times - 9am till 6pm